May 10, 2010

I suck at titles

So Cameron told me that one of my summer activities should be to actually blog, so I guess I'll attempt. It might be as successful as my goal to work out three times a week was last semester, but oh well.

Currently, Cameron is using half of my leg as a headrest while he takes a short nap and my right arm is resting on top of his head, so it's a little awkward to type. Forgive typos. And yes, we do normally find ourselves in positions like this. I think he's even put the laptop on my head before (it didn't work out, seeing as my head is round, but he tried). He's been working a lot and he's been really tired. And sick. and stressed. And poor. I've been not working at all, but I've also been stressed and poor. And tired of not having ANYTHING to do. Seriously. I wish I had more friends in Salt Lake, and less anti-social tendencies so I would actually call those friends. And do stuff that didn't involve spending money, because I don't have an income. Sigh.

Not having a job sucks. I've been applying everywhere I can online and I've got two interviews tomorrow. The jobs I really want aren't calling me back :( which is disappointing. I actually got a job offer last week, on Monday, but it didn't work out. The commute to Park City would have sucked, but the manager would only allow me to work three days a week if I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and that just wasn't going to fly. Every morning I wake up hoping that there will be voicemails on my phone asking to set up interviews. So far, not so much :( last year, I was searching for a full month before I got a job, which was pretty terrible. The summer before that, I never got one, which was even worse. I really wish that I could have kept my tutoring hours, but seniority and all that jazz...oh well.

So I spend a lot of my days figuring out how to spend my days. I've moved my room downstairs, but since the bigger room is currently depressing and full of random stuff, I want to spruce it up a bit (I'm thinking blue with white trim), so my stuff is housed in my old basement room. Which is tiny. And now has a full bed crammed in it when it used to be a twin. It's pretty bare bones, which I actually like, but all my stuff from Cedar is still sitting up in the living room, waiting for me to figure out what the heck to do with it. My clothes I've pretty much unpacked, and bathroom stuff is easy, but there's no place for my books and DVDs :( I thought about getting a cheap bookshelf from Ikea (seriously, 30 dollars) but i don't even know if that will fit! I really should be used to small rooms by now (especially considering the Campus Lofts small private) but I'm really not.

Anyways, one of the things I've decided to do to spend the time is take up aerobics classes. I have a hard time with most aerobics classes. the mere word makes me think of the neon-colored leotards that have the ridiculously high legs , and also that music video that I'm almost ashamed to admit that I like to watch whenever I happen upon it: (warning: mildly raunchy aerobic action going on there).

Anyways. My local rec. center (that I used to work at and also got most of my blatant aerobic generalizations from) offers a zumba class, which feels like it has a little bit more of a point than regular aerobics since it utilizes dance moves. I went to it today, and it was actually really fun! I'm sure I looked like a complete moron though, but frankly, everybody does in an aerobics class. However, I really liked it. As I was showing some of the steps to Cameron, I was reminded of just how much I really liked it. I'm definitely going back ASAP.

Speaking of going back, Going back to that rec. center made me really want to work there again. It was probably my favorite job. It was so laid back and friendly and I got hit on by old senior men who would slip me dum-dum pops over the counter. What wasn't to like? I'm thinking about applying there again...I might not get the best pay or hours, but it would be a job that I enjoyed. That might be well worth it.

Anyways, it is now entirely too late and this blog post has been sitting neglected for like two hours (Cameron and his awkward sleeping position is long gone), so I'm going to go to bed now. If I post again tomorrow, hooray! if not, then see you in a week...or a year (more likely).

1 comment:

  1. yay you posted!

    well i know just how you feel about wasting days and wishing for a job... ugh. i hate feeling so useless...

    good luck on your job search! i miss you kitti! we should hang out sometimes and do something cheap! like a dollar movie!
