Aug 31, 2007

Tracing the Landscape


One eye must be closed.
Until you are half blind
you cannot see that
the sky is gray
and the train moves
too quickly
to sketch.


Your body will become a tool.
A hip pressed tight against the radiator
a lip curled to close an eye
left hand with pen
right circled around a ring
to keep balance.


Shifting weight means shift in perspective.
Shifting perspective means that pedestal
next to platform
is now inside platform.
Shifting weight means stalling to say goodbye
and repeating footwork to the samba
while attempting to

keep the eye steady
on the invisible dot
that means the horizon.
the white cement steps won't
line up with the
cream concrete pillars
and 'next week' will feel like

there will be chaos.
Straight lines never came from freehand
and love never came
from rules.

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